Is your problem consistency?

Consistency is a concept that seems so simple yet can be such a challenge to achieve. I used to hold that “all or nothing” mindset. Like if I didn’t work out or eat healthy for a few days (falling off track), then I would pretty much give up and set a new day to “restart”. You know, how that sounds “I’ll start back up on Monday” or “it will be different starting Jan. 1”. In all reality, that’s just going to make your journey feel much harder. By holding that all-or-nothing mindset, you’re telling yourself that you have to be perfect but it’s not perfection you’re seeking, it’s consistency.

A common area of inconsistency is working out or exercising, especially when you have low motivation. The key to finding consistency is showing up for yourself even when you don’t feel like it. Even if you intentionally put your sneakers on and do a 20-minute workout instead of 45 minutes, you’re telling yourself that it is a habit you’re sticking with. This could go for meditating for 5 minutes instead of 10 or prepping at least one meal for the week instead of 5.

Eventually, the more often you continue to show up for yourself the easier it will be for you to establish that consistency and build upon the foundation you’re forming.

Taking it a step further, I like to set little boundaries or guidelines for myself! For example, I have a guideline that I will not skip the gym more than two days in a row. This helps me plan when I’ll exercise and it also keeps me on track with my goals. I know on day two of taking that break, I’m getting there the next day. There is no question about whether or not I should go to the gym and I’m not wasting my time making excuses.

So if you’re feeling stuck here are a few steps to help move you forward!


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Stop being so strict with your routines