My story, my why

I don’t think I’ve ever fully shared my journey and the reasons behind why I changed career paths. Sometimes I hesitate to open up and become vulnerable, especially sharing my why. I guess due to fear of judgment or even offending someone. As I continue to learn, grow, and work on my health, I am realizing two things. One- I can’t control someone else's judgment or how anyone perceives me. Two- I am not here to please everyone, and there will always be different perspectives, views, or opinions, and that’s okay. As I continue to make progress on my health and growing a business has opened the door to personal development, which includes working through limiting beliefs. I’ve come to a point where I feel comfortable sharing more of what I have been maybe fearful of in the past.

There are two main reasons why I started a Holistic Health Coaching business guiding women to become empowered with their health through nutrition, habits, and routines. The first reason was that I experienced holistic healing personally.

Let’s go back to the start of my holistic health journey for a moment, shall we?

I was in nursing school, my stress and anxiety were at an all-time high and I didn't feel like myself. Like most people who feel this way, I scheduled an appointment with my primary care provider and explained to her what was going on. Within 15 minutes I was walking out the door with a prescription for Wellbutrin, which is an antidepressant. I remember filling the prescription and taking it for a few weeks, thinking to myself “so that’s it then, I’m just going to have to take this for the rest of my life?” something felt off or missing. I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor to check in and I went there seeking more answers. Why was I feeling this way? What was the root cause and is there any way I can support my mind without medication? Listen, there is a time and place for medication but I wanted a clear path on what my journey was going to be. I wanted to know if there was something I could work on while taking this medication and use it as a bridge to healing the root cause to eventually be able to come off of it and not depend on it. When I was asking my doctor about this, she didn’t have a clear answer. She even INCREASED my dosage and sent me on my way. I felt unheard, I felt frustrated, and so I began to do my research.

I found another nurse on social media sharing a similar experience with anxiety and she was using aromatherapy. You could say this was my door into the holistic world, so I purchased quality essential oils and started using them through times of anxious thoughts and feelings. I was honestly blown away by how effective they were and eventually was able to come off my prescription! I was passing nursing exams with higher grades than ever before and continued to use the oils as I started working my first job as a nurse. I began swapping some products with natural alternatives and reading a book called “The Mind-Gut Connection”, where I learned SO MUCH about how the health of your gut directly impacts your mind. This pushed me to start educating myself about nutrition, supporting gut health, and living more of a holistic lifestyle. Of course, I continue to grow my knowledge and holistic habits even seven years later to this day!

Now of course, this story contributes to why I have such a passion for helping other people who are experiencing similar thoughts, feelings, and situations. But it wasn’t what pushed me to become certified as a health coach or even go back to school for nutrition and integrative health. I became certified at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition simply because I wanted to learn more about my health. I wanted to continue to heal my gut and learn more about nutrition because, believe it or not, we were not taught any of that in nursing school.

As I was going through the course, I was working as a GI travel nurse and I was starting to see the not-so-healthy side of our healthcare system. The more I learned in school the more I felt unaligned working as a nurse, especially a GI nurse. If you don’t already know, a GI nurse works directly with patients dealing with gastrointestinal health issues. Bloating, abdominal pain, colitis, intestinal problems, Crohn's, IBS, etc. I was in the procedures working closely with doctors and I was experiencing the cracks in our country's approach toward health and healing. It was symptom management rather, and I felt conflicted every day as I spent 10-12 hours supporting patients with their symptoms and diagnosis.

Anyway, as I was diving deeper into the ingredients and the nutrition aspect of school, I realized that the hospital system doesn’t care about proactive health. Here I am giving juice with artificial ingredients, dyes, and processed sugars to patients in the hospital seeking support with their gut issues while fully being aware of the fact that I’m handing them something that contributes to their issues.

This is when a fire grew inside of me. I knew I wanted to help my generation become more proactive and empowered with health to prevent chronic illness and not become dependent on the healthcare system or should I call it the “sick-care” system? I knew that I could help women move toward a holistic and integrative approach to their health NOW to lay a healthy foundation for their future, just like I already was for myself.

When you are empowered with your health you are better able to advocate for yourself, no matter what. For example, when you are pregnant and going in for your glucose test, you can advocate for your health and bio-individuality to use a natural and holistic option of the glucose drink. Rather than feeling forced to drink the toxic version your doctor prescribes you. You can advocate for learning a natural and effective alternative to birth control and getting to the root cause of your PMS, heavy bleeding, and painful periods. You can advocate for an alternative to Accutane as you seek support for your acne. You can advocate for an alternative to mental health support or a better plan when being prescribed medication. The first step is becoming empowered and that is my passion and my WHY for starting my holistic health coaching business.

My mission is to support my generation in changing the way we approach health and not feeling unheard or honestly, gaslit by the healthcare system. I am at the front of this healthcare revolution because I have experienced it as a patient but as a nurse working in the system. I am supporting women to become empowered to get to the root cause of their issues by using an approach that incorporates nutrition, healthy habits, and lifestyle instead of being written off with a prescription.

Do you know how you vote with your dollar when purchasing non-toxic products or foods? That forces other companies to increase their standards. The companies that care about your health and well-being are getting your dollar, while the other companies now have to make a change. The same goes for health care, if you don't have to depend on big pharma or our sick care system for everything and are empowered enough to utilize holistic tools and lifestyle habits as your first line of defense, the healthcare system will have to change.

Imagine our generation doing things differently, changing the narrative and forcing the system to work differently. Imagine our generation PROVING that there is more to health than a diagnosis and a lifetime of chronic illness.

That’s my why, that's my passion. I know living this lifestyle isn’t easy but when you have support, accountability, and someone to provide you with the proper education and recommendations, you experience change and confidence. You become empowered and you achieve your goals. You heal yourself and learn how to advocate for yourself. Although there are challenges, there is no other feeling than being able to care for your mind, body, and soul holistically, depending more on yourself than the system.

It starts with gaining self-awareness and holding a growth mindset. Then diving into what feels good for you in this season of your life, usually my clients create goals surrounding nutrition, gut health, exercise, routines, and home cooking to get started! Not only do you become empowered, but you also gain confidence in yourself and your health, you build a holistic toolbox, and you know how to show up for yourself in every situation.

It is a journey you will forever be on but, you want to be proactive now instead of reactive later!


What I wish I had known when I started my holistic health journey 


When does it become too much?