What I wish I had known when I started my holistic health journey 

You know, I strongly believe that everything happens for a reason and you have experiences that lead you to where you are right now. Everything that I’m about to share are things that I wish I had known when I started my journey but there is nothing about my holistic health journey that I regret, aside from maybe just embodying the lifestyle sooner! I hope that if you’re just getting started or you are on the path to living more of a holistic and integrative lifestyle this blog is helpful. 

  • Bio-individuality is extremely important, don’t compare yourself or your journey 

Especially if you’re on social media, it is so easy to compare yourself. Try not to copy what works for everyone else, bio-individuality is understanding what works for you and only you!! It’s great to get inspiration or seek knowledge but always do what is best for you, even if it's not the most common path. 

  • A holistic route takes patience and is not a quick fix. 

Re-read that one more time. I will admit that I’ve gotten frustrated that what I was doing wasn’t giving me those instant results or instant gratification which we all seek. As a society, we are programmed to look for that quick fix but this is a lifestyle, not a temporary fix or quick solution. Have patience and consistency, but understand that sometimes a new supplement or habit will take anywhere from one to three months to start showing results! 

  • You don’t have to do it all at once, do the best you can with the knowledge you have right now. 

Your knowledge is always growing, especially when you hold a growth mindset. Don’t let that overwhelm you and keep you feeling stuck or uncertain. Use the knowledge that you have and do the best you can. There have been times when I find myself saying, “I shouldn’t have done that” or “I could’ve done this differently” but that type of thinking isn’t going to get you anywhere! As long as you’re making the best decisions in each moment with the knowledge you already have, you are on the right path. 

  • You don’t have to utilize every holistic tool or habit, put them in your toolbox and use them as needed.  

As you continue to grow within this lifestyle you are going to build a holistic toolbox. You don’t have to use every tool or habit every day but rather pull them out and implement them when needed. For example, dry brushing, cold immersion, meditation, warm lemon water, and journaling are a few habits and tools in my toolbox but I don’t incorporate them daily. When I’m feeling anxious and stressed I will implement cold immersion to help support my central nervous system, maybe I’ll pull out my journal to reflect thoughts. The next week I may skip cold immersion therapy and focus on meditation. You get to decide how and when you will use your habits and tools. 

  • This is not an all-or-nothing approach to health. Just because you embody a holistic route doesn’t mean you can’t also seek support from the western medicine approach. 

The goal is balance, sustainable health, and an integrative approach. You can still seek support from western medicine as well as an eastern and holistic approach. You don’t have to choose one or the other, you don’t have to be all or nothing! 


My Holistic Period Journey


My story, my why