Are you empowered?

I’m always talking about the empowered feeling you get when you take control of your health. Doesn’t that sound funny? Like, how did we even lose control in the first place? Have we ever had control? Those questions aren't important though because what matters is the present moment and how you’re progressing toward the future. 

I started to feel unaligned with my health and my body and this is how I discovered I didn’t really have a grip or that control. I hated the feeling and to be honest it sent me into a period of time where I was eating those feelings, literally. I was eating to stop those feelings of unalignment from coming up. It wasn’t until I got to a weight that I'd never seen for myself before and the realization that I may be in a constant state of anxiousness. 

I guess you could say this is where my story begins. The story of the journey that i’m currently on and maybe I’ll share the entire thing one day or maybe i’ll just share in succession blog posts from this one, I haven’t decided yet. Anyway, the start of my story is when I signed up for weight watchers and went to the doctor to discuss the way that I was feeling. Do you want to know which one helped me the most? Hint it wasn’t the doctor, but it also wasn’t the diet aspect of weight watchers either. It was more of the awareness for my body. The actual mindset shift, discovering what foods actually make me feel good, portion sizes, basic nutrition concepts I didn’t learn in nursing school and ultimatley why I was unhappy with my life and my weight. Most importantly, I became more connected with the fact that I’m in control of my body. The doctor you ask, she prescribed me an antidepressant and sent me on my way. A prescription that totally killed my sex drive, my energy, and felt like it made matters worse, not better. I of course told her this and my prescription was changed and once again, I was sent on my way. I don’t even care to get into details about all of this because it’s happening to practically everyone and to make a long story short, I advocated for myself and weaned off the prescription determined to find another way. Determined to care for myself. Determined to fucking take control of my own body and find the empowerment that I have now, almost 7 years later. 

Whew it has been a journey but isn’t that life? Just one big journey? Feeling empowered takes time, it takes consistency, reflection, pain, tears, mistakes, education, and a lot of unlearning. I am going to say that again, it takes a lot of unlearning. I’m still finding more empowerment with every single day, so that just means that the journey will never end. I honestly don't want it to end either, I always want to learn and try new things. I always want to adapt and change. When you’re open to this and you make small improvements, while implementing small habits within your life, you slowly become empowered. You slowly start to take more control of your health. You start to feel confident and improve your self esteem. I encourage you to try it and if you’re scared, I’m here! If you’ve already started, I’m proud of you! 

Personal empowerment: Personal empowerment is about taking control of your own life, and making positive decisions based on what you want.


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