Holistic Self-Love Habits

Since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be fitting to share a variety of self-love habits you can implement not just today, but in your everyday life. If I’m being honest your holistic health journey is going to be much harder if you don’t love yourself. How can you be the best version of yourself or take care of your body if you don’t honor and appreciate every aspect? If you want to become more confident in yourself or empowered with your health and habits, you have to turn negative self-talking into positive affirmation. You can’t look into the mirror and nitpick all that you wish was different or what you want to change. You have to truly honor and love yourself, talk positively about yourself, and gain clarity on how your authentic self shows up every day. 

This takes work but becomes easier the more consistent you are with implementing habits and achieving your goals. With all of that being said before we talk about self-love habits,  there is something else that I want to share with you because I think it fits right in line with loving and embracing every part of yourself.

No amount of makeup, botox, lip injections, filters, or expensive creams will change the way you feel about yourself. They all may enhance your appearance or features, but they will not change what’s happening within your mind and soul. 

My self-love has grown so much over the years as I fully embodied my holistic health journey. There was a time when I couldn’t leave the house without a full face of makeup and now the only form of makeup I own is a tube of mascara and some blush! I’m not saying you can’t wear make-up or use a filter or even get botox done but my point is that you still have to do the work to truly love yourself and not hide behind those types of enhancements. 

Okay, now we can get into the self-love habits to incorporate moving forward! Choose one or two that feel most aligned: 

  • Establish a nourishing and intentional skincare routine

  • Give yourself a massage with a luxurious oil 

  • Implement a breathwork session 1-2x a month 

  • Read a book for pleasure 

  • Keep fresh flowers in your home 

  • Journal to discover your authentic self 

    • Prompts: 

    • What is your biggest insecurity? Why? Where do you think it stems from?

    • What makes you feel calm? What makes you feel anxious?

    • When do you feel most in tune with yourself and why?

    • What makes you unique?

    • List 10 or more things that you love about yourself 

    • What is your favorite quality about yourself?

    • What can you do today to care for yourself?

  • Do a self-love meditation 

  • Speak affirmations to yourself in the mirror

  • Cook your favorite meal from scratch 

  • Light candles at dinner time 

  • Take a magnesium bath with soft music and dim lights 

  • Go for a long walk and connect with exactly who you are

  • Be silly and take yourself out on a date 

  • Make a dessert and share it with someone you love

  • Wear a matching pajama set to bed 

  • Stretch slowly and incorporate deep breathing


A Birthday Blog


I was stuck and a little scared of transformation