do you fall for the fads?

Enough with dieting and fads in 2023. Honestly, if they worked then there wouldn’t be so many “new” things being promoted left and right. If you’ve jumped on a fad or tried a new way of dieting, do not worry or feel bad but just know there is a better and more sustainable way to live (and enjoy) your life.

Listen, when you’re struggling with symptoms like bloating, acne, PMS, or even anxiety you’re vulnerable to the marketing surrounding these specific diets or fads. I’m thinking of things like intermittent fasting, no carbs, a new and improved greens powder, the new plant-based “meat” or even oat milk.

I know because I used to give in to them ALL the time. I would always say, “this is going to be the piece I’ve been missing” and while I sometimes experienced some results or improvement I’d find myself back to my old symptoms or habits feeling super defeated.

Instead of putting your time, energy, and money toward something that isn’t really sustainable for your health and wellness long term, try incorporating these tips into your everyday lifestyle. I can almost guarantee that you will not only see some improvement in your nutrition and physical health but many aspects of your life and wellness overall.

Tip one: Cook 90% of your meals at home

This takes some weekly planning and prepping and if you’re cooking about 30% of your meals at home right now, it’s best to strive for 50% at first and work your way up. The goal isn’t to go from zero to one hundred in a week but rather to find consistency to grow over time. When it comes to planning and prepping, pick a few meals to grocery shop for and prep the ingredients by washing and chopping the produce.

Tip two: Focus on quality over calories

If you’re a millennial then you probably experienced the common diet trends as we were growing up, LOW calories, 100-calorie packs, weight watchers, etc. Except I’d argue that the quality of ingredients is FAR more important than the number of calories. If something is low-calorie but has really awful ingredients - is that really better for your body and gut health? Likely, not. Read the ingredient labels and try to choose items that don’t have anything artificial. You can even take it to the next step and choose meats that are pasture raised and grass-fed! The quality of food also includes how it is sourced and where it comes from!

Tip three: Build a balanced plate at mealtime

Instead of measuring out or weighing your food, build a nourishing and balanced plate. This looks like filling half of your plate with veggies and fiber, having a quality protein source, a healthy fat, and choosing a complex carbohydrate like starchy vegetables or sweet potatoes! Try to eat your veggies first to help balance your blood sugar levels and improve your digestion!

Tip four: Crowd out processed ingredients

Ideally, you want to consume only whole food ingredients or as close to whole foods as possible. For example, if you’re making a soup and you’re purchasing a packaged broth choose one with only whole foods in the ingredient list. The goal is to avoid the highly processed options that have dextrose or anything artificial. Even better if you could make your own broth from scratch!

Just a reminder to meet yourself where you’re at, perfection is never the goal. The more you are consistent the more you learn and grow! Have patience with yourself and this journey, you can do it.


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