How to support your immune system holistically

Well, it’s officially winter and if you’re not working to support and boost your immune system then I’m so glad you’re here! I hate to break it to you but if you don’t want to get sick this season then it’s going to take more than drinking some Emergent-C (which is awful btw, don’t use that). It takes daily supportive habits to ensure that you’re not going to get sick this season and if you do it will be much milder. 

Our society wants a quick fix, instant results, and gratification but to achieve optimal health you have to move away from that mindset. Gaining a proactive mindset instead of becoming reactive will put you five steps ahead this season. 

There are a variety of proactive strategies you can start to incorporate into your daily routine today! Before we jump into those tools and habits though, let me share some important info about your immune system. 

The health of your gut is directly tied to your immune health - poor gut microbiome = weak immune system. So of course on top of everything that I’m about to share with you, it’s extremely important to be eating a variety of nutrients through quality protein, fruits, vegetables, and probiotic-rich foods. You can learn how to properly build a balanced plate here. Decreasing the amount of sugar and alcohol you’re consuming is also important or at the least, being diligent with healthy habits when you do indulge. 

Getting enough sleep, exercise, hydration, and decreasing the amount of perceived stress are also key steps to take while you implement other supportive tools. I know this seems basic but establishing a strong foundation of health will allow the supportive habits and supplements to become much more effective! 

Holistic tools to prevent illness this season: 

  1. Elderberry

    packed with antioxidants, elderberries are high in vitamin c and have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that elderberry extract not only prevents influenza but also help reduce the severity and length! It fights a common bacteria found in the gut called h.pylori. - my two favorite brands are Further Foods (use code: CARLY for 15% off) and Organic Olivia 

  2. Tea

    specifically herbal tea with ginger, cinnamon, clove, and orange. Sipping an herbal tea every morning or night is a great way to support your immune system daily. 

  3. Manuka honey

    has strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

  4. Echinacea

    has immune strengthening and anti-microbial properties! It has been used traditionally to relieve pain and fight fevers, coughs, and even smallpox. 

  5. Garlic, ginger, turmeric, and lemon

    cook regularly with these household staples through the winter months! Garlic has powerful antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. Garlic may have the ability to fight different virus strains and is used as a powerful treatment for colds, flu, chest infections, digestive disorders, and fungal infections. If you feel a cold coming on eating raw garlic should be one of the first lines of defense you’re reaching for! Turmeric has active compounds that are shown to reduce oxidative stress and ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antitumor properties. Not to mention is a popular remedy for nausea. Lemon has high levels of vitamin C and flavonoids that provide immunity protection. It also contains pectin, which is a type of soluble fiber that feeds beneficial gut bacteria! 

  6. Zinc

    whether you utilize a supplement or eat foods rich in zinc, it’s an important nutrient that is critical for the development and function of your immune system. 

  7. Vitamin d + c

    are key nutrients that are known and proven to protect and support your immune system

  8. Oregano oil

    oregano oil is potent and is known as a natural antibiotic! It is also a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to support gut symptoms like diarrhea, pain, and bloating. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. 

  9. Lymphatic support

    your lymphatic system plays a huge role in the health of your immune system, actually it's a part of it! It produces and releases immune cells when there is an invader! If your lymphatic system is stagnant, it is not going to do its job very well. You can support the health of your lymphatic system by dry brushing, rebounding, sweating, and deep breathing. 

  10. Adaptogens

    found in adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms and are known for pro-inflammatory compounds that support the immune system and help protect the body from a variety of conditions. Some popular adaptogenic mushrooms include Chaga, shitake, lions mane, cordyceps, and reishi. 

Whew, that was a lot of information but I encourage you to identify some ways that you feel would best support your immune health. Possibly stock up on some of these tools and make a plan to incorporate a few into your daily routine! Remember this isn’t medical advice and it’s always best to check with your provider when bringing on a new supplement.


Have yourself a Healthy, Holistic Holiday


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