Why Does Everyone Seem To Be on a Health Journey??

“There are so many routes to take. I try to learn ways to support myself and what I'm dealing with but get overwhelmed with all of the information. I didn’t think I’d be on this big health journey if that’s what I should call it” - this is what my client said to me in one of our first 1:1 sessions together.

Usually, in these situations, the symptoms you’ve been dealing with and trying to learn about don’t go away and you get so fed up, you schedule an appointment with your doctor. The thing is, typically the symptoms you’re experiencing like chronic bloating, painful periods, inflammation, or mood changes (to name a few) aren’t always a “quick fix”, the majority of the time it comes down to your behaviors, patterns, habits, and lifestyle. Doctors don’t know how to help you with that because, sadly, most of their schooling was diagnosis and pharmaceuticals. You usually get a basic lab panel drawn and get told that everything is within a normal range. This leads to frustration and then A HEALTH JOURNEY.

We don’t want to be “within normal” if we are treading down an unhealthy path, we want to be within the “optimal” range.

Then begins the start of diving into books, reading different research, listening to podcasts, or expanding your knowledge around professionals that are fit to help you properly! Don’t get me wrong, doctors are amazing and essential to this world, but we have to be open to a variety of different approaches when it comes to sustainable health.

It’s safe to say that if our healthcare system here in America cared about your health and the well-being of our country, they would be acknowledging that there is more to health than big pharma. We wouldn’t all have to start this healing journey that we all seem to be on.

This would be a great time to reflect on how we got here. To the point where so many of us even have to heal.

I’d say a huge cause is the big food companies. I don’t know about you, but growing up I loved cosmic brownies, little debbies, pop tarts, Doritos, and toaster strudels, all of which aren’t food. Mainly chemicals that your body doesn’t even recognize. In college, there was heavy drinking and late-night meals full of inflammatory grease. At the start of my career being a nurse, there was increased caffeine consumption, stress, and dissatisfaction. So, after years of eating and doing whatever, whenever, we are now starting to experience the long-term effects. Add on toxins in make-up, cleaning products, produce, environment, water, birth control, etc. and we have a perfect storm for poor gut health, a hormonal roller coaster, poor mindset, a dysregulated central nervous system, and AWFUL metabolic health.

Safe to say that healing will not happen in a month, maybe not even in a year, but it all starts with the willingness to embrace change.

Whew. Okay, I may have just been on a mini tangent for a minute there but, I'm coming back to my point. We are ALL going to be on a healing journey at one point or another. If not a healing journey, then it’s imperative to look at ways to become proactive and supportive of your health.

I encourage you to check in with yourself- I love exploring the circle of life, a tool I also use with my clients. Identifying the aspects that make up your life and what you’re most satisfied and dissatisfied with. Using that visual awareness to reflect on what is going well or not will help you understand more about yourself to promote change, improved habits, and consistent routines.

I also encourage you to find a provider that will support you with where you’re currently at and has a genuine interest in where you would like to see yourself. A provider that will run more than the standard thyroid panel and CBC for lab work. A provider that acknowledges NUTRITION, lifestyle, holistic therapies, and the mind-body connection!

You’re not alone if you’re feeling stuck and overwhelmed with the crazy amount of health information out there. This is a gentle reminder that you have unique bio-individual needs, what works for someone else might not work for you and that's okay. You will find the path that is meant exactly for you and your health.


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