Form your foundation

When it comes to building habits, changing your diet, mindset, and overall health, there has to be a strong foundation to build upon. I know how easy it is to get caught up in the latest fad or diet. I remember discovering a new diet or an app to track calories and thinking to myself “this is finally it, finally something that will work for me”. It would go great for the first few days or weeks and then I would find myself back to the old patterns and habits, wondering what the hell it was going to take. I wanted to lose weight but I also didn’t want to constantly think about calories, carbs, fats, weighing out food, and feelings of restriction. I was so sick of saying “I’m starting Monday” or getting excited about a diet to then watch it fail. I hit a breaking point when I had to get my appendix removed and I guess you could say that was a nudge in the direction that has brought me to where I am today.

Have you been there before too?

All of that frustration has led me to where I am now and for that I’m grateful. The biggest thing that allowed me to change my relationship with food, nutritional habits, and overall mindset was forming a strong foundation. You wouldn’t build a house on a shaky foundation, so why are you trying to build your health on one?! 

A big part of forming this foundation has to do with learning about your bio-indiviudality. It is the process of understanding where you are at this moment and discovering what actually works for you based on your unique needs. Not only does this provide you with more confidence but it makes building new habits and ways of eating so much easier. Having a strong foundation also allows you to feel empowered with making decisions when it comes to your health. I remember before having a foundation to lean on, I would be influenced SO easily. I’d see one person share that going low carb allowed them to lose weight and I was low carb the next day, I never even considered how my body would react because I didn’t understand my bio-individuality. 

This foundation looks different for everyone so it is best to look inward and ask yourself the hard questions! It looks like finding specific rhythms and routines that will allow you to thrive and that you can depend on during hard times. This is important because we often fall back into old patterns and habits when we are experiencing the difficult moments of life. 

Let me give you an example of how I built an aspect of my foundation. Throughout high school and college, I was always on a diet. I counted calories, I counted macros, I weighed my food, I ran my food off, I would eat one bad thing and then let it spiral to a full day or even weekend of eating poorly. It was this constant unhealthy cycle that felt restrictive and exhausting. After looking inward at my thoughts and feelings, while facing my patterns head-on, I decided to stop all dieting. I realized that it wasn’t healthy and that being so focused on my physical health depleted my mental health. Once I did that I built in habits that I knew would allow me to feel my best. Habits like drinking ACV with warm lemon water in the morning, incorporating fresh pressed juice into my routine, grounding myself, and establishing a protocol to navigate and manage my cravings. 

These habits have evolved and adapted over the years, but having the foundation to lean on throughout change has allowed me to find consistency and a lifestyle that brings me joy. 

I have created a Form your Foundation course starting on April 23rd to May 1st  and enrollment will open on Wednesday, April 20th!  Throughout the eight day course I will help you form a strong foundation of health within four different aspects of your life; mindset, food, kitchen, and habits. This course will help you understand how to approach change, form new habits, improve your mindset, and help change your relationship with food. 

Form your Foundation was designed with accountability in mind! Anyone can purchase a course and let it sit in their inbox, but not everyone can show up for 8 days consistently with the dedication to laying a strong foundation.

What about you though, are you showing up for yourself? 

I will be sending out more information as the course enrollment date approaches but in the meantime, what would having a strong foundation and positive mindset do for you? What ripple effect would that cause within other aspects of your life?


Transformation starts with a Foundation


Improve your mindset with self care